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Alcohol 120% 7.0 Multilanguage

With Alcohol 120% 7.0 you record and save your data, video and music. With a comfortable Xtra assistant You create your own discs, record data carrier of your choice. You do not need additional programs for writing!

Features versions:

* Create a perfect 1:1 copies of CD, DVD, Blu-Ray discs
* Easy to record CD, DVD or Blu-Ray discs
* Recording has become faster with a reasonable memory usage
* Support for the latest types of disk drives
Compatibility with Windows * 7!

Year: 2010
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: Multilanguage
Medicine: Yes

Rar Pass:www.liderwarez.net
Alcohol 120% 7.0 Multilanguage Download Links / Size: 11MB


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